Digitalisation is changing the business world at a rapid pace. Electronic invoices are becoming increasingly important and are legally required in many areas. ZUGFeRD and XRechnung offer companies two powerful formats that meet the requirements of modern and legally compliant invoicing. Both formats are integrated in our CX eInvoice solution to provide a flexible and future-proof solution. gesetzeskonformen Rechnungsstellung gerecht werden. In unserer Lösung CX eInvoice, sind beide Formate integriert, um eine flexible und zukunftssichere Lösung bereitzustellen.
What is XInvoice?
In contrast to ZUGFeRD, XRechnung is a purely structured XML format that was developed specifically for sending invoices to German authorities (B2G). It fulfils the requirements of theEU Directive 2014/55/EU and the EN 16931 standard and is designed for fully digital processing.
ZUGFeRD vs. XInvoice
While XRechnung is focussed on official requirements (B2G), ZUGFeRD offers more flexibility for the B2B sector thanks to its hybrid structure. Both formats have their specific strengths.
What advantages do ZUGFeRD and XInvoice offer?
While XRechnung is focussed on official requirements (B2G), ZUGFeRD offers more flexibility for the B2B sector thanks to its hybrid structure. Both formats have their specific strengths.
- Time saving: Automated data processing significantly reduces the processing time of invoices.
- Error reduction: Manual entries are no longer necessary as the data is read out automatically.
- Cost efficiency: paper handling, printing costs and postage fees are eliminated.
- Legal certainty: Both formats fulfil the requirements of the e-invoicing regulation (§ 2 E-Rech-V).
- Flexibility: With ZUGFeRD, companies can also enable hybrid use (electronic and manual), while XRechnung is fully digital.
- Optimised liquidity: faster invoice processing leads to shorter payment cycles.
Conclusion: Act now and profit
The future of invoicing is electronic – and legally binding. With CX eInvoice, ZUGFeRD and XRechnung, CONNAMIX GmbH offers a comprehensive solution that not only makes companies legally compliant, but also optimises their business processes. Contact us to drive forward your digital transformation and benefit from the advantages of modern invoice formats. Together we will shape the future – efficiently, flexibly and sustainably.