Customised software for more chances of success

As experts in the development of customised software with many years of experience, we can explain when it makes sense to develop software that is tailored to your needs, and we can also support you in all phases of software development. We help you to overcome any challenges so that you have a clear path to success.

Off-the-shelf software vs. customised software

But what exactly is the difference between standard and customised software?

0-8-15 Software: this is to be expected

If you are looking for a solution that will help you to automate and digitise business processes both within your company and across companies, many are overwhelmed by the dazzling appearance of standard software:

  • It is relatively cheaper – regardless of whether you opt for the purchase or the hire option.
  • It seems to offer enough setting options, making a customised software solution superfluous for the time being.
  • A “finished software” is ready for immediate use.
  • In addition, the standard solution offers a wide range of functions that can be used to cover various application scenarios.

However, most companies quickly reach the limits of “off-the-shelf” software

  • Industry-specific requirements and business processes are only taken into account to a limited extent and can therefore only be partially mapped.
  • The time required for necessary adjustments is often underestimated in order to minimise or, if possible, avoid gaps in functionality.
  • A standard solution often offers too many functions, meaning that only a fraction of them are actually used.
  • In addition, inflexibility is often a major obstacle when it comes to extensions, improvements and other changes (e.g. changes in the number of users).

All these arguments speak in favour of individual software that is tailored to the unique needs of your company. Both organisational and functional criteria play a decisive role here.

Customised software: advantages at a glance

Therefore, it only makes sense to list all the pros of customised software: customised software…

  • is customised for customer and industry-specific needs and individual requirements.
  • enables competitive advantages.
  • maps business workflows and processes even when the company changes.
  • increases the effectiveness of the core business.
  • is flexible and scalable.
  • can be easily expanded and optimised at any time.
  • is seamlessly integrated into your existing system.

It’s high time to choose the right software!

Are you still deciding between customised software and a 0-8-15 solution? CONNAMIX is there for you: throughout the entire life cycle of your customised software. We create software with only the desired functions. Take advantage of this wonderful, unique and efficient opportunity to realise your full potential and benefit from all the advantages. Please do not hesitate to convince yourself of our references and contact our team.

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